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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Welcome to Pre-K!

Welcome to our class blog. We hope that you enjoy following our class as they experience Pre-K for the first time and learn and grow throughout the school year. We are off to a great start and are looking forward to an exciting year together. During the past few weeks we have been working on learning our daily routine, class rules, and our way around the classroom and school. We will continue to learn more about what to expect during a day in Pre-K and about one another. In our classroom, we have a bulletin board entitled "Our Families" and would like to fill it full of family pictures. If possible, we would love for your child to bring in one family photo to share with their classmates and then place on the bulletin board for the rest of the school year.
 Throughout the year we will use our blog to share classroom activities, songs, experiments, and news about what we are learning in our class. We hope that you take the opportunity to follow our class blog and share it with your child, family and friends. This is a great communication tool to help your child recap what he/she is learning about and what his/her interests might be in the classroom.


  1. This is awesome!!! Thanks for the update! LaKayla is excited about school each day! We are looking forward to a great school year.
    LaTreva (LaKayla's Mom)

  2. Thanks for the information! Looking forward to a wonderful year in Pre-K
